

Best Answer

Some verbs that start with the letter C are:

  • care
  • come
  • court
  • chop
  • cut
  • challenge
  • cater
  • climb
  • clear
  • claim
  • call
  • cook
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Q: A verb for the letter c?
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Which verb that begins with the letter c?


What is a verb that starts with the letter C?

call. to call someone.

What is a word that describes how someone can run that starts with the letter c?

Examples of adverbs that start with C used to modify the verb to run are:casuallycautiouslycarelesslyconvincinglycrazilycalmlyclumsily

Homophone for seize?

Seize = verb, graspSees = verb, observesSeas = noun, the oceansCs = noun, plural of the letter C.... as in "There are two Cs in occupy".

What are some words meaning picture that begin with the letter C?

Conception or cinema for the noun picture.Conceive of for the verb picture.

Is a letter a verb?

No, a letter is not a verb. A letter is a written or printed communication containing information or a message. It is a noun.

What is a action verb for the letter you?

You is not a verb

What is a verb that begins with the letter H?

Hop is a verb that begins with the letter H.

What is a 4 letter verb for wreck?

Ruin is a synonym for wreck. It is a 4 letter verb.

What irregular verb starts with c?

The irregular verb "come" starts with the letter "c." It is irregular because its past tense form is "came" and the past participle is also "come."

C - letter c?

The letter C (c) is the third letter in the English alphabet.

What is a 6 letter word that starts with C that is letter c?

The letter C curves. The letter C is a partial circle.