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troublemaker, gossip, nosy, scandalmonger, intruder

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Q: What is another word for a busybody?
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What is another word for busybody starting with a Y?

This might help someone in the Internet world- an ANTONYM for busybody that starts with Y is YIELDER! came up with that myself! Paton that word YIELDER! To describe someone who submits to surroundings versus someone who affects surroundings. YIELDER VS. BUSYBODY

What is another word for inquistive?

curious, interested, intrigued, prying, spying, eavesdropping, intrusive, busybody,meddlesome, snooping; inquiring, questioning, probing, searching.

What is a one word substitute for a person who sticks his nose into the matters of others?

The word is busybody.

What is another word for meddle?

Other ways to say "to meddle" include: to intervene or interfere in the affairs of others; to butt in, to interfere, to interlope, to fiddle, to get caught up in...

When was Busybody Nora created?

Busybody Nora was created in 1976.

How many pages does Busybody Nora have?

Busybody Nora has 64 pages.

What is a busybody?

In M.E., sometimes with a sense of "prying, meddlesome," preserved in busybody (1526).

What is a yeta?

Two answers. A Yeti is the Asian verson of the Abominable Snowman. A Yenta is a Yiddish word for a busybody.

What are the release dates for Busybody Bear - 1952?

Busybody Bear - 1952 was released on: USA: 20 December 1952

What are the release dates for Little Busybody - 1909?

Little Busybody - 1909 was released on: USA: 21 July 1909

What actors and actresses appeared in The Busybody - 1923?

The cast of The Busybody - 1923 includes: Raymond McKee Charles Murray

What are the release dates for A Busybody's Busy Day - 1915?

A Busybody's Busy Day - 1915 was released on: USA: 13 February 1915