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There are hundreds, some examples are: ASCII ascot ascus ASEAN ashen ashes Asian aside asked askew askey Aslan ASPCA Aspen asper aspic aspie assai Assam assay asses ASSET assig Assoc aster astir ASTMS Astro CSChE esbat esker Espoo essay Essex ester estop HSCSD HSDPA HSUPA Isaac isbas ISCSI isnad ISRHA issue NSAID NSPCC Oscan Oscar osier osone Ostia Ostic psalm pseud pshaw pssst psych RSFSR RSPCA SSNRI SSRIB tsine tsubo tsuna USADA usage users usher using usque usual usurp usury

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abbess, ablest, ablush, access, accost, accuse, across, adjust, admass, advise, afresh, aftosa, ageism, ageist, aghast, aguish, ahimsa, ahorse, airest, aldose, almost, ambush, amidst, anenst, ankush, aorist, appose, aptest, argosy, ariose, ariosi, arioso, arkose, arouse, arrest, artist, aslosh, aspish, assess, assist, attest, august, aurist, autism, autist, averse, avulse, awless, bagass, banish, barest, basest, behest, bekiss, bemist, bemuse, betise, biopsy, blouse, blousy, blowsy, bluest, bluesy, bluish, bourse, boyish, braise, brassy, breast, browse, bruise, bypass, bypast, calash, calesa, camass, camisa, camise, caress, cayuse, cerise, ceruse, chaise, chasse, cheese, cheesy, chiasm, choose, choosy, chouse, choush, chowse, chrism, civism, classy, clause, clumsy, coarse, cohosh, cohost, comose, corpse, course, coyest, coyish, crease, creasy, creese, creesh, cressy, crissa, crosse, crouse, cruise, cubism, cubist, cuisse, curtsy, cutest, cutesy, cymose, dalasi, damask, danish, debase, defuse, degust, delish, delist, demast, demise, depose, desist, detest, devest, devise, dicast, digest, direst, disuse, divest, dovish, dressy, driest, dropsy, drossy, drowse, drowsy, dryest, dryish, dudish, duress, dynast, effuse, egoism, egoist, egress, elapse, eldest, elfish, elvish, embosk, emboss, emdash, encase, encash, encyst, endash, enlist, enmesh, eonism, evulse, excess, excise, excuse, expose, famish, favism, fetish, fewest, feyest, filose, finest, finish, flense, fliest, flimsy, floosy, flossy, fluish, folksy, footsy, forest, fraise, freest, frowst, frowsy, fucose, funest, gainst, galosh, gamest, garish, gayest, glassy, glossa, glossy, gneiss, golosh, grassy, grease, greasy, grilse, grouse, gyrose, halest, harass, hearse, heresy, hexose, hoarse, holism, holist, honest, hugest, iciest, idlest, immesh, impish, impose, impost, incase, incest, incise, incuse, infest, infuse, ingest, inmesh, inmost, inrush, insist, invest, iodism, ionise, jadish, jocose, jurist, kaross, kavass, ketose, kibosh, kinase, kousso, kumiss, kuvasz, lamest, lanose, latest, latish, lavash, lavish, laxest, legist, liaise, ligase, likest, limpsy, lipase, livest, locust, lowest, lowish, lutist, lyrism, lyrist, marish, mayest, medusa, megass, merest, mimosa, minish, misuse, modest, modish, molest, momism, mongst, monish, monism, monist, mopish, morass, morose, mousse, mucosa, mucose, mulish, mutase, mutest, mutism, mysost, nanism, newest, newish, nicest, nodose, nomism, nonuse, nowise, nudest, nudism, nudist, oafish, obiism, oblast, oboist, obsess, obtest, obtuse, oddest, oddish, offish, oftest, ogress, ogrish, ogrism, oldest, oldish, onrush, oocyst, oppose, orgasm, osmose, otiose, outask, owlish, palest, palish, parish, pavise, perish, peruse, phrase, pilose, please, plisse, polish, porism, porose, potash, praise, priest, prissy, punish, purest, purism, purist, queasy, quinsy, qurush, racism, racist, radish, rakish, ramose, rapist, rarest, ravish, rawest, rawish, recast, recess, recuse, refuse, rehash, relish, relist, remise, remiss, renest, repass, repast, repose, rerise, rerose, resist, retest, retuse, revest, revise, rewash, ribose, rifest, rimose, ripest, ripost, robust, rudest, rugose, sadism, sadist, safest, sagest, samosa, sanest, sayest, schism, schist, schuss, scouse, serest, serosa, setose, sexism, sexist, sheesh, shiest, shyest, sliest, slimsy, slyest, smoosh, sneesh, sorest, sparse, speise, speiss, spense, splash, splosh, spouse, squash, squish, squush, strass, stress, surest, swoosh, tamest, tanist, teensy, theism, theist, thirst, thrash, thresh, thrush, thrust, thyrse, thyrsi, tonish, tootsy, torose, toyish, tressy, triose, truest, truism, tsetse, tsktsk, tubist, typist, unbusy, uncase, uncast, unease, uneasy, unhusk, unjust, unlash, unless, unmask, unmesh, unrest, unwise, unwish, upcast, upmost, uppish, uprise, uprose, uprush, uptoss, urease, utmost, vadose, valise, vamose, vanish, venose, verism, verist, vibist, vilest, volost, weensy, whilst, whimsy, whomso, whoosh, widest, widish, winish, wisest, woodsy, wrasse, wriest, wryest, xylose, yarest, zygose, zymase

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