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Q: Can wet and dry lands be put together?
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Does hurricanes happen in dry lands or wet lands?

Hurricanes can occur in both dry and wet lands.

Where do people work in the savanna?

people in the savanna work near grasslands,irrigated lands,or wet and dry lands

Where do people in savanna work?

people in the savanna work near grasslands,irrigated lands,or wet and dry lands

If you dye your hair should it be dry or wet?

Dry, because when you put the dye in your hair will get wet.

Does maritime mean wet or dry?

Maritime typically refers to things related to the sea or ocean, regardless of whether they are wet or dry. It emphasizes a connection to maritime activities or environments.

How can camels live on the dry land?

Easily as the wet lands would cause them to drown

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What happens when you put wet leaves on the radiator?

They dry out.

What will happen if your iPod was wet?

put it in a dry place

Were most lightning strikes?

They mostly happen in dry lands unless there always wet then they happen alot

What will happen if you do not help your wet lands?

they become dry and the populating will eather die or move to another wetland

What should you put wet tea bag or dry tea bag?

I dont really know but maybe wet and dry lol