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You would enter from the Atlantic Ocean

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Q: Would you enter Hudson bay from the Atlantic or pacific ocean?
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Would you enter the Hudson rivers bay from the pacific or Atlantic ocean?

you would enter frome the Atlantic .

How would you enter the bay from the pacific or Atlantic?

you have to live in bc to get to the bay of the pacific go to nunavut the drive a boat in the bay

Which body of water in America did Henry Hudson first enter?

Atlantic Ocean

Where does the Panama Canal enter the sea?

The Panama Canal links the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, via Gatun Lake in Panama. It enters the Atlantic at Manzanillo Bay and the Pacific at Bridge of the Americas.

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He would travel from the South Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean.

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Is Africa closer to the US crossing the Atlantic ocean or the Pacific ocean explain?

Atlantic Ocean.Africa is directly east of the United States across the Atlantic Ocean. To get to Africa from the Pacific Ocean, you'd enter the Pacific Ocean from the western United States, then have to get through Asia before you ever hit Africa.Look up AFRICA on Google Maps and you'll clearly see the difference.

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How did explorers enter New York?

Via the Hudson River.

How did Giovanni da Verrazano's explorations change the world?

Giovanni da Verrazzano is born in Italy, he worked under France, and he was looking for a sea route to the Pacific Ocean. But, he discover New York Harbor for mistaking Pamlico Sound for the Pacific. The Verrazano Bridge is named after him, for the first known European navigator in the service of the French crown to enter New York Harbor and the Hudson River. Without him, the world would be different by, there wouldn't be a bridge called the "Verrazano Bridge". There also wouldn't be a place called "New York Harbor" in the map. Last, the history would be changed of how Verrazzano is the first known European to enter New York Harbor and the Hudson River.

What body of water does the Amazon River enter?

Atlantic Ocean.

What body of water does Tokyo bay enter into?

The Pacific Ocean