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depends on the ride, if it goes up or down, if it has a chain lift, if it just drops, etc.

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Q: Would an empty roller coaster and full roller coaster take the same time for a single trip?
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Why does a roller coaster with more people in it will travel much faster than an empty car?

A roller-coaster would go faster with more people in it because with moer people the better the ride alsothe people that are ridding will give the roller-coaster potential energy. A roller-coaster would go slower with an empty car will give the roller-coaster kinetic energy than with peolpe in it.

How do the heights of the hills in a roller coaster allow an empty car to finish the ride?

It gives it kinectic energy

What horror TV show had opening credits over an empty roller coaster?

Journey to the Unknown thanks

How are the height of the hills on a roller coaster designed to help an empty cart to reach the end of the ride?

The height of the hills decrease so the carts will loose momentum in order to make it to the end.

How the heights of the hills on a roller coaster are designed to help an empty car to reach the end of the ride?

They have a device called a troll. This will give the car enough potential energy for it to reach the end.

Why is it important for engineers to understand how roller coasters work?

roller coasters are important because without roller coasters kids would be melancholy and what would be the whole point of going to an amusement park if half of there place is empty.

If a room that has no people is empty and a room that is full of people is not empty then why is a room full of married people like an empty room?

Because there's no single person get it there all married and no no one is single

Why does Newton's first law of motion relate to roller coasters?

Newton's first law of motion states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion. This is what keeps the roller coaster rolling through the hills and turns after it accelerates down the initial ramp. Also, the riders inside the car will experience changes in accleration and apparent weight. The riders will keep going at the same speed in the same direction unless some other force (the seat) acts on them to change that speed or direction. At the bottom of hills, they try to continue downward, and are pressed into the seat. At the tops, the riders are lifted up in their seats as they try to continue upward even as the seat pulls them down into the next drop. The same thing occurs on turns, where riders are pushed into the side of the seat as the coaster turns. (This is the reason for harnesses, seat belts, and restraining bars.)

What are the release dates for Diary of a Single Mom - 2009 Running on Empty 3-3?

Diary of a Single Mom - 2009 Running on Empty 3-3 was released on: USA: 2 December 2010

What are the release dates for Empty Nest - 1988 Single White Male 7-11?

Empty Nest - 1988 Single White Male 7-11 was released on: USA: 7 January 1995

What is the gross vehicle weight of an empty 1975 international dump truck.?

It's a trick question - gross weight is the loaded weight. The weight of an empty vehicle would be the tare weight. This would depend on exactly what model International it was, as well as the configuration (single axle, tandem, tri-axle, etc).

What sound would you hear with an empty dishwasher?

Nothing because it is empty