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Niagara falls shares a border with Canada and the United States. Niagara Falls belongs to both countries and is source of electrical power for both countries.

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Q: Why would you consider Niagara falls to be an American landmark?
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What famous North American landmark is constanly moving backward?

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What famous North American landmark is constantly moving backward?

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What is a landmark in Canada?

Niagara Falls, CN Tower Toronto

What are some of Ontario's famous landmarks?

One of Ontario's landmark is Niagara Falls.

What three falls make up the Niagara falls?

Horseshoe falls, Niagara Falls, and American falls. Hope this helps

Does New York have a landmark that is not man made?

New York State does: Niagara Falls

Is the America Falls the same as Niagara Falls?

American Falls is one of the waterfall that makes up the total of the falls, called Niagara Falls.

What is the name and width of the largest falls at niagara falls?

american falls

What are the names of the waterfalls on Niagara Falls?

Horseshoe falls & the american falls.

At Niagara Falls who did the fireworks?

At first the firework display was a partnership of the American and Canadian Niagara Parks Commissions. However, the City of Niagara Falls (and Niagara Falls Firefighters) with the cooperation of the Niagara Falls Parks Commission currently put on fireworks.

Where is the American Falls located?

American Falls is one of the three falls that makes up Niagara Falls on the Niagara River. American Falls is also a town in Idaho and a nearby falls on the Snake River.