Cattle domestication took place in areas located around the Mediterranean Sea because that is where farming first began. It was also easier to get them to a port to be loaded on a ship for trade purposes.
the domestication of cattle
The cattle kingdom is located in Rio De Janero, Brazil.
Mesopotamia domesticated sheep, goats, cattle, and pigs, to name a few. Domestication came about in order to have stable supply of food.
A. slash-and-burn techniques
With A cattle Act
The domestication of humpless cattle (B. taurus) occurred about 8000 years ago near the Fertile Crescent. Where Taurine cattle first appear in archaeological sites in the Northeastern parts of Asia approximately 7000 years ago. Humped cattle (B. indicus) were discovered at the site of Mehrgar, Pakistan approximately 7000 years ago.Hope that this helps, if you have any questions feel free to ask!
On cattle, the pin bone is located where their hip is. These extended bones on the pelvis form the raised points on a cow's back legs.
port harcourt
After the American Civil War, which was around 1865.
It is estimated to be around 1.3 billion cattle in the world.