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becouse it had rust

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Q: Why was the Eiffel tower not turn down after twenty years?
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How many years did it take to build the Eiffel tower?

Two years and two months. Construction of the Eiffel tower began in 1887 and it was completed in 1889.

Why did the Eiffel Tower get torn down?

why not

Is the Eiffel Tower knocked down?

no it was going to be taken to the usa but it was not.So the Eiffel tower is still standing in Paris.

In what year was the Eiffel Tower nearly pulled down?

The Eiffel Tower was only meant to be a temporary structure. It was built for the world fair and only had a permit for 20 years, however, after it becoming a symbol for Paris it is now permanent. It has to be repainted every 7 years or so due to rust, so yes the Eiffel Tower was indeed destined to be pulled down but thankfully for us, it was not

In what year was the Eiffel tower almost pulled down?

It was nearly pulled down in 1789.Incorrect, the Eiffel Tower wasen't even built until 1889. The Tower was almost pulled down in 1909.

Why was the Eiffel tower saved form being torn down in 1909?

There were no plans to demolish the Eiffel Tower in 1990. Originally, the Tower was planned to stand for 20 years (that is, until 1909), after which it would be removed. However, it proved valuable as a radio tower, and was permitted to remain. Later in World War I, it was used for radio jamming equipment against German communications.

What is the volume of the Eiffel tower if it was melted down?


Will the Eiffel Tower ever shut down?

dont think so!

Who has been influenced by the Eiffel Tower?

people wear down the steps when they walk up and down them.

How does it feel when you look down from the Eiffel tower?

it feels like your on top of the world!

In what year was it nearly pulled down?

in what year was the Eiffel tower pulled town

Which UK seaside resort has a scaled down version of the Eiffel tower?
