The Bermuda Triangle is a Fictional part of the Atlantic Ocean, with Miami, Florida (at one corner), San Juan, Puerto Rico (at another corner), and Bermuda (at another corner). It is a place where planes and ships are supposed to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The PBS science show Nova, and Dr. Arthur C. Clarke for the Discovery Channel, investigated the Bermuda Triangle and found it was much ado about nothing. There is no big deal about the Bermuda Triangle and almost all of the planes and ships that have disappeared there can be explained away. The Bermuda Triangle was mainly invented to sell cheap books, movies, and TV shows, to gullible people.
There is no more danger in the Bermuda Triangle than in any other large area of the plant. Countless people have gone through the Bermuda Triangle and nothing happened to them.
i trinagle that is the coler gold
If an isosceles triangle is one that has two equal sides,then I guess every equilateral trinagle is isosceles.
Because once you eat it you are magnetically pulled into the Bermuda triangle. (technically it is not a triangle it is a quadrilateral)
There are many airports near the so-called Bermuda Triangle.