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Q: Why was teiresias unable to help when Thebes was afflicted by Sphinx?
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Show you a picture of the great sphinx?

See this link for many images.

What does the Sphinx protect against?

Depends on whose Sphinx: The Egyptian Sphinx was said to guard the tombs of the pharohs. Some also claim it may have been the site (or marker) for a secret temple. The Greeks also had a sphinx (taken from the Egyptian model) from which we get the classic riddle "What walks on four legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon and three legs in the evening" (I'm not gonna give you the answer. Have to go find it yourself :p). This sphinx would devour anyone who was unable to answer her riddle, finally being beaten by Oedipus.

What is the dramatic purpose of the first part of the play King Oedipus Please help ASAP?

The setting of the Oedipus the King as in the case of most Greek tragedies, does not require a change of scene. Throughout the play the skene with at least one door represents the facade of the royal palace of Thebes. Even when action takes place inside the palace, such as Jocasta's suicide and Oedipus's self-blinding, there is no shift of scene. The Priest refers to Oedipus's saving of Thebes from the Sphinx, a monster with human female head and breasts and a lion's body with wings. The "tax" which the Thebans paid the Sphinx was in the form of young men killed by the monster when they were unable to answer the riddle:"What has one voice and four feet, two feet and three feet?" The answer which only Oedipus was able to provide was "man" (crawling on all fours as a baby, walking unaided on two feet throughout most of his life and finally walking with the aid of a cane in old age). Dramatic irony is a much-used literary device in this play.

What is the Rhyme of the sphinx?

The Rhyme of the Sphinx refers to the riddle posed by the mythical creature in Greek mythology. The most famous of these riddles is: "What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?" The answer is "man," as he crawls on all fours as a baby, walks on two legs as an adult, and uses a cane as an elderly person. Failure to answer the riddle would result in the Sphinx devouring the individual.

What condition is xeroderma pigmentosum?

Xeroderma pigmentosum is a very rare skin condition. Afflicted persons are unable to process ultraviolet radiation and so suffer severe sunburns at the slightest exposure to sunlight. Patients are required to avoid all contact with sunlight if they wish to live a normal, comfortable existence.

Where can you find a neck brace for someone afflicted with isolated neck extensor myopathy?

My wife has been afflicted with this condition for about 18 months. We have tried a number of braces but to date we have been unable to find one that will keep her head up and which does not produce pain. She is presently using a "Minerva" brace but it is less than satisfactory and she is only able to wear it for a few hours due to pain and the fact that it will not or cannot keep her head lifted. If anyone knows of a brace that might be better than the on e she is now using please reply here.contac

When did King George III go mad?

King George III, was recorded as being afflicted by mental illnesses twice. However he recovered from both these instances and it was in 1810 when he was struck blind that he was declared unable to rule, and in 1811 his son George IV was officially declared Prince Regent.

is unable A prifix?

Unable is not a prefix. The "un" in unable is the prefix.

What are synonyms of unable?

unable mis able

What does unabler mean?

Able means "can do". Unable means "cannot do". This could refer to an action, behavior, speech, etc. Examples: I'm unable to say why the experiment failed. I'm unable to walk. I'm unable to hear. I'm unable to move. I'm unable to feel.

Helpless ending with able?

Unable, incapable

Is it will not be able to meet with you or is it unable to meet with you?

Unable to meet with you!