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Because photosynthesis is when light is used as a natural energy to make other energy in water, but if it is very deep, the light can not reach the ocean floor, because light can only travel so far.

Photosynthesis- rocess by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light into chemical energy. In green plants, light energy is captured by chlorophyllin the chloroplastof the leaves and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds (simple and complex sugars) that are the basis of both plant and animal life. Photosynthesis consists of a number of photochemical and enzymatic reactions. It occurs in two stages. During the light-dependent stage (light reaction), chlorophyll absorbs light energy, which excites some electrons in the pigment molecules to higher energy levels; these leave the chlorophyll and pass along a series of molecules, generating formation of NADPH (an enzyme) and high-energy adenosine-triphosphatemolecules. Oxygen, released as a by-product, passes into the atmosphere through pores in the leaves. NADPH and ATP drive the second stage, the dark reaction (or Calvin cycle, discovered by melvin-calvin), which does not require light. During this stage glucose is generated using atmospheric carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis is crucial for maintaining life on Earth; if it ceased, there would soon be little food or other organic matter on the planet, and most types of organisms would disappear.

Energy- Capacity for doing work-physics-in-encyclopedia. Energy exists in various forms - including kinetic-energy, potential-energy, thermal-energy, chemical-energy-2, electrical (see electricity), and nuclear-energy- and can be converted from one form to another. For example, fuel-burning heat engines convert chemical energy to thermal energy; batteries convert chemical energy to electrical energy. Though energy may be converted from one form to another, it may not be created or destroyed; that is, total energy in a closed system remains constant. All forms of energy are associated with motion. A rolling ball has kinetic energy, for instance, whereas a ball lifted above the ground has potential energy, as it has the potential to move if released. heatand work involve the transfer of energy; heat transferred may become thermal energy. See also activation-energy, binding-energy, ionization-potential, mechanical-energy-2, solar-energy, zero-point-energy.

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Q: Why photosyntesis does not occur very deep in the ocean?
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