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The velocity of the water in a stream increases when the stream gets narrower or shallower (or both).

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Q: Why one stream could be flowing faster than the other stream?
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The recharge of a stream is the volume of water flowing past a given point in the stream at a given time is this true or false?

False. The recharge of a stream refers to the process by which water from precipitation or other sources infiltrates into the ground to replenish underground water supplies, such as aquifers. It is not defined by the volume of water flowing past a given point in the stream at a certain time.

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A stream is termed a braided stream because instead of having one main channel there are many parallel branches of the stream flowing near each other, forming a inter-weaving system of stream branches that resembles hair weaving in and out in a braid.

Is a tributary a large river that flows into a small river?

It is not. It is the other way round, a stream or smaller river flowing into a larger one.

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Pebbles bumping against each other in a stream are called "abrasion." This process occurs as the flowing water causes the pebbles to collide and rub against each other, eventually wearing them down over time.

What is the difference between erosion by runoff and stream erosion?

Erosion by runoff refers to the removal of soil and rock particles by water flowing over the land surface, often caused by rainfall or melting snow. Stream erosion, on the other hand, occurs when flowing water in a stream or river carries away sediment and rocks from the streambed and banks, shaping the land over time. While both processes involve the movement of sediment by water, stream erosion specifically refers to erosion that occurs within the channel of a stream or river.

A stream follows what?

A stream follows the path of least resistance, flowing downhill due to the force of gravity. It is guided by the topography of the land, carving its course through valleys, canyons, and other natural features.

Notes on linear pipeline processors?

is a cascade of processing stages which are linearly connected to perform a fixed function over a stream of data flowing from one end to the other.

What is a sentence using intravenous?

An intravenous injection goes directly to the blood stream and its action is faster than the other types of injection.

What is Stream Erosion?

Stream erosion is the process by which flowing water gradually wears away and removes soil, rock, or other material from the banks and bed of a stream. It is primarily caused by the force of the moving water and can result in the formation of valleys, canyons, and other landforms over time. Erosion from streams is a natural geological process that can have both positive and negative impacts on the landscape.

Stream of water flowing into a lake or sea?

A stream of water flowing into a lake or sea is called an inlet or a tributary. This freshwater flow can help regulate the salinity levels in the lake or sea and can contribute to the overall ecosystem health by providing nutrients and oxygen.

Do global winds affect planes?

The Jet-stream certainly does. Planes can use the jet-stream to reduce the amount of fuel it takes to travel from one side of the planet to the other. This is because - so long as the jet-stream is flowing in the same direction the plane wants to travel - it can 'push' the plane forward, which uses less fuel.