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It was built by the French, and presented to the American people. On that basis, it was probably intended as a neat manoeuvre against the British, to remind them that they no longer had sovereignty there, and making a visible reminder of the fact to every British ship that sailed into New York.

Rude gestures, and oneupmanship are typical behaviour between the British and French, and has been so for nearly a thousand years. The French supplied ships and ammunition to the colonial rebels, not because of the rightness of their cause particularly but to get back at the British for taking Canada off them.

'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'.

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12y ago

New York was one of the most used ports of entry to the USA for Europeans in 1886, and everyone had to arrive by ship. The designer of the Statue was a European (French) and it was a gift from the people of France, so it was decided that the Statue of Liberty should be erected in New York.

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The reason this is called this because the statute of liberty is a symbol of the friendship between France and America.

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It is Unknown

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Q: Why is the statue of liberty called a symbol for America?
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The statue of Liberty was given to America by French people as a symbol for the American independence.

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The Statue Of Liberty is a symbol of friendship between France and the United States of America.

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The Statue of Liberty is a national symbol of America. The statue stands in the New York harbour and stands ground to torch: 305 feet 1 inch (93 meters).

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The poem on the Statue of Liberty represents the moto of America as it pertains to Immigration. The poem tries to illustrate the acceptance and refuge America offers Immigrants that have come to America for a change.

Why is the statue of liberty a symbol?

it is a symbol because it is freedom

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The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to the United States. The statue was meant to be a symbol for the democratic government America provided for the world and it also signified that America welcomed new peoples. The statue was dedicated in 1886 and stands as a National landmarj in the New York City harbor.

Why is the Statue of Liberty mean?

The Statue of Liberty was given to us by France as a symbol of friendship and freedom.