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The United States owes a great deal to the efforts of US President Abraham Lincoln. At his time and during the US Civil War, no one could have predicted that a reunified Union would become a major player in world events.

Lincoln's vision and main goal was to keep the Union intact and bring the Confederacy back into the USA. While it's true that the unthinkable losses of human life did happen, it was never seen as such until it was too late.

Part of winning the Civil War was the end of slavery in the USA. Economics tells us that slavery would by economic necessity have died out on its own. But it's still clear that Lincoln wanted to unite the nation and the slavery issue would be settled faster of the North won.

Lincoln was the first US President to be assassinated. It happened because of his stand to unite the Union. His memorial is a huge and important monument in Washington DC.

Some believe he deserves all the accolades he has received based on his Emancipation Proclamation, history tells us that his accolades are due more to his victory in the Civil War. The Proclamation freed no slaves... and slavery existed in Union states until after the war.

I summary, Lincoln's memorial will remain important as it honors a brave man and is a monument that says, never give up and do the right thing.

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