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Because billions of barrels of oil was spilled into the gulf ruining reefs, killing animals, and the amount of oil in the gulf is increasing dramaticly every day. And the worst part is... BP's plans to fix it fail, over and over again, and their plans will continue to fail.

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Q: Why is the BP oil spill so bad?
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What is the name of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?

The media is using a variety of names. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill seems to be the most common name. The name of the rig that caught fire and sank was the Deepwater Horizon. The BP oil spill is also common , but BP has other spills, so BP oil spill 2010 is better. The oil spill from the Macondo well is also clear. The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is common, but since there have been others, Gulf of Mexico oil spill 2010 is better.

When is the BP Oil Spill supposed to stop?

The oil spill will stop when the cap is permanently shut. The oil spill was caused by BP and has injured and killed thousands and thousands of sea animals. They are trying to find a way to close the cap and keep it shut, so far, efforts have not worked. The BP Oil Spill also killed 11 people, as well injured many others.

Who is hiring for the cleanup of the BP oil spill?

BP and other government agencies are higher cleanup personnel for the BP oil spill. Lousiana has a much smaller coast than Florida, so they require much less front-line workers.

How long was the BP oil spill?

There was an explosion, the pipeline split and oil gushed out into the sea, so the effect of that was the oil rose to the surface.

Why do people drill for oil if it could cause an oil spill?

Prior to the BP oil spill, it was considered that the necessary precautions had been taken so there would be no oil spill. This has been proven wrong. The motivation for drilling for oil is to make money. Many oil wells similar to the one that caused the BP spill are drilled around the world. There is very active discussion of the causes with the industry and government, and how to prevent them in the future.

How does the BP oil spill compare with others?

The BP oil spill is the worst Gulf Coast oil spill (second place is Ixtoc-1 in 1979), but it is not the worse spill in the world. Some consider the sinking of US oil tankers by German uboats to be the worst (~1943) , when summed together. Others would consider the Gulf War oil spill, however this was not an accidental oil spill. Wikipedia states the BP oil spilled is between 4.1 to 4.3 million barrels. Other websites quote 4.9 million barrels which is the semi-official estimate of oil from the Macondo well, but BP was able to recover 800,000 barrels, so 4.1 million barrels would appear (at least for now) to be the better estimate. These comparisons are not easy. A spill in the open ocean (as some with some tanker spills) may cause much less environmental damage, than the BP spill. Also, BP was able to skim, burn and disperse some of the spilled oil. See link.

How many days has the bp gulf oil spill been going on?

88 days so far

What has BP been doing to clean up and contain the oil spill?

they have been burning it so far

Why did it take so long to cap the Bp oil spill?

They tried to clean it up but it kept coming out.

How bad did BP get punished for the spill in the gulf?

BP has not paid any fine for the gulf oil spill. In the future they may be forced to pay for the damages caused by the oil spill. It will be decided by judges in court. If BP had spilled oil in the Gulf, then it would be required to pay a fine. However, this was an accident, so it is first necessary to determine whose fault it is that the accident occurred, and then what was the value of the damage from the spill. Both individuals and the US government agencies are preparing to sue BP in court. In the case of individuals, these cases will most likely be consolidated into class-action lawsuits, representing many individual claims. See related links.

Is the president responsible for the oil spill in the gulf?

Ummmm Probably no because he didn't know so, yeah. According to the news, BP (British Petroleum) is responsible for Gulf Oil Spill.

How much oil has been skimmed from the BP Gulf oil spill?

About 24 million gallons of oil have been skimmed from the Gulf of Mexico so far.