Rivers are coloured blue on most UK maps
Y The Piccadilly Line
the color blue on a map often shows a lake or an ocean = D
http://www.technical-translations.net/imagesscreenshotsworld_map.jpg It is the little white-coloured country on the left side of the brown-coloured country's. http://www.juicemaster.com/template/displaymap.jpg This is a close-up The Netherlands is coloured red white blue
if it is a world map it would be blue, because there is more ocean than land...
Look at a map of the world.... Now you see all the bits that are coloured blue........ you know, the wet bits.... Next !
On land the danger colours are yellow and black - in the ocean, it is blue coloured patterns that denote danger.
The correct answer is blue. This is because water covers more of the Earth than landmasses, and water is represented as blue on world maps.
Contour lines of equal elevation on a topographic map are commonly coloured brown. On a marine chart, the lines of equal depth are often coloured blue. The isobar lines of equal pressure are mostly coloured black, but that may be a choice forced by available technology.
The Piccadilly line in the London underground is dark blue.
The correct answer is blue. This is because water covers more of the Earth than landmasses, and water is represented as blue on world maps.
You can't do that on here. Anyway, the map would cover the majority of the ocean from Spitsbergen in the north south to the Ross Sea.