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its the bigest lake

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Bigest lake in Minnesota

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What are important lakes in Wisconsin?

Lake Huron,Lake Superior, and Lake Michigan, and Lake Eerie

What lake monsters live in Lake Superior?

No lake monsters live in lake superior considering it is so small people would have noticed years ago.

Is Lake Erie larger than lake Superior?

No. Lake Superior is larger than Lake Erie.

Which lake is larger superior or Erie?

Lake Superior. Lake Superior - it is the largest lake in the Western Hemisphere in volume and the largest (true) lake in the world by size. Its size is 31,700 square miles and volume is 2,904 cubic miles.

Who is lake superior?

Lake Superior is a lake. Hence the name.

Is Lake Superior the largest salt lake?

No, Lake Superior is a freshwater lake.

What Body of water in Wisconsin near lake Michigan?

Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, and the Mississippi River border Wisconsin.

What two great lakes border Wisconsin?

Lake Superior and Lake Michiganlake superior and lake mighigan

Which two great lakes border wi?

The two lakes that border Wisconsin are Lake Superior and Lake Michigan.

Which has more water Lake Superior or Lake Erie?

Lake Superior

Which lake in the United States is largest?

Lake Superior

What direcion is lake superior from Lake Michigan?

Lake Superior is to the north of Lake Michigan.