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81% of earthquakes happen on the Pacific Plate. This area is much more active than the Atlantic Plate because it spans a much bigger area of land and ocean mass.

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Q: Why is it that when a quake happens it is usually on the Pacific Plate and not the Atlantic Plate?
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Where are the plate boundries?

The Pacific Ring of Fire and the Mid Atlantic Ridge.

What are examples of plate boundary?

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The Pacific Ocean is shrinking while the Atlantic Ocean is expanding Which type of plate boundary must be involved in each location?

The Pacific Ocean is shrinking due to subduction, where one tectonic plate is being forced beneath another. This occurs at convergent plate boundaries where plates are moving towards each other. The Atlantic Ocean is expanding due to seafloor spreading, which happens at divergent plate boundaries where plates are moving away from each other, creating new oceanic crust.

Why are the effects of subduction in the Pacific Plate more noticeable than the effects of seafloor spreading in the Atlantic?

The effects of subduction in the Pacific Plate are more noticeable as it creates deep ocean trenches, large earthquakes, and volcanic arcs such as the Ring of Fire. This is because the Pacific Plate is colliding with several other tectonic plates, leading to more intense geologic activity. In contrast, seafloor spreading in the Atlantic Ocean occurs along mid-ocean ridges, where new crust is formed, but the geologic activity is generally less concentrated and less destructive.

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around the Pacific Ring of Fire. or the Pacific Plate

What direction is the afrian plate moving?

It is moving to the west. As is the north American plate which will make the Atlantic Ocean bigger and the Pacific ocean smaller.

What do you call the plate America is on?

The plate that America sits on is called the North American Plate. It is a tectonic plate that includes North America, most of the Caribbean, and parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Why is the pacific ocean slowly getting smaller?

The reason the Pacific Ocean is shrinking is because of the deep water trenches there, while the Atlantic ocean is getting bigger. In about 500 million years the Pacific will not be there and the Atlantic will be overflowing.

What two plates are moving away from each other?

1. Pacific Plate and North American Plate 2. China Plate and Pacific Plate 3. Australian Plate and Pacific Plate 4. South American Plate and Nazca Plate 5. Eurasian Plate and African Plate 6. Eurasian Plate and Arabian Plate 7. Eurasian Plate and Australian PLATE 8. Scotia Plate and Antarctic Plate

Is the Atlantic bigger or smaller?

The Atlantic is getting bigger as the Eurasian and American plates move further away from each other. The Pacific is getting smaller which can be seen most easily in San Francisco where the large amount of earthquakes are due to the pacific plate being pushed underneath the American plate.

Which two tectonic plates are separated by the midocean ridge?

The North American Plate and Eurasian Plate are separated by the midocean ridge in the North Atlantic, while the Pacific Plate and the Nazca Plate are separated by the midocean ridge in the southeastern Pacific.

How does the ridge-rift in the pacific ocean differ from that in the Atlantic ocean?

Pacific ocean is shrinking due to plate tectonics while Atlantic is increasing in size. Looked up the same question just now for a final tomorrow.