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It is However now that we are aware of the causes of acid rain we are far more carefull to avoid it and it has become less of an issue

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Q: Why is acid rain not a national issue?
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What are facts about acid rain in Germany?

It is an HUGE issue :(

What has the author Susan Buffone written?

Susan Buffone has written: 'Acid rain invades our national parks' -- subject(s): Acid deposition, Acid rain, Environmental aspects of Acid deposition, Environmental aspects of Acid rain, Environmental aspects of National parks and reserves, National parks and reserves

What is an issue that is putting desert in danger?

Global Warming and Acid rain.

What is the effect of acid rain do to national mounments?

acid rain contains sulfur dioxide which is an acid, which then dissolves the surface of monuments, this is a slow process. also acid snow can do the same

Is acid rain still an issue?

Yes, acid rain still is an issue in very polluted cities. Some places in Europe (Florence, Italy...) have major issues with this still since they have all of those old statues sitting out it the open!NESSIE WAS HERE 2008

What environmental issue is factories and car emissions contributing to in the UK?

Acid rain

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acid rain

What impurities in fuels can lead to a sort of rain?

Sulfur impurities in fuels can lead to acid rain when released into the atmosphere and react with water vapor to form sulfuric acid. This acid can then fall to the ground as rain, causing harm to the environment and infrastructure. Reducing sulfur content in fuels can help mitigate this issue.

What area is being destroyed by acid rain in Europe?

The Black Forest in Germany is one of the areas in Europe that has been affected by acid rain, leading to damage to forests and waterways. Acid rain is also a significant issue in Scandinavia, where it has caused damage to forests, lakes, and wildlife.

What is rain acid?

rain with acid

Is acid rain rain with acid?

Yes, Acid rain is rain with higher than normal levels of nitric and sulfuric acid.

Different types of acid rain?

carbonic acid rain and sulfuric acid rain