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A watershed is called a watershed as it supply the water in a drainage system.

A watershed is a defining moment of insight and clarity

where healing begins and lives are reclaimed

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14y ago
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12y ago

it takes the overflowed water and separates it

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13y ago

A watershed is a defining moment of insight and clarity

where healing begins and lives are reclaimed

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9y ago

Watersheds are created when an area is drained by a river or stream. Basically, all of the water in a specific area flows downhill to a specific stream and then on to bigger tributaries.

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15y ago

The boundary between two river basins.

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Q: Why is a watershed important?
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What is the importance and benefits of watershed?

it is important because watershed acts as a reservoir. for as people if there is a possibility that in our community there will be a water shortage.

Why is it not important not to disturb watershed?

Because it replaces salt water

Why is it important not to disturb a watershed?

Because it replaces salt water

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yo mother knows it ! - keysha

What is the most important measurement for a river?

The most important measure of the size of a river is the "size of its watershed"

What is a nested watershed?

A nested watershed is simply a watershed within a watershed. An example might be the Platte River watershed which is a nested watershed within the Missouri River watershed which in turn is nested within the Mississippi River watershed.

What is a watershed and how is it involved in the water cycle?

A watershed is an area of land where all water drains into a common outlet, such as a stream, river, or lake. It plays a crucial role in the water cycle by collecting and funneling rainwater and runoff, which eventually flows into larger bodies of water. Watersheds help regulate the flow of water and influence the quality of water resources within their boundaries.

Why is it important for a community to maintain safe water quality in its watershed?

Many diseases can be transmitted by water.

What watershed do you live on?

what watershed does everyone live on

Can humans change a watershed?

You can change a watershed by polluting it

What is watershed infarction?

watershed infarction cerebral infarction in a watershed area during a time of prolonged systemic hypotension

Is mount Fuji a watershed?

It is 128 kilometers long and has a watershed of 3,990 square kilometers,so basicaly it is a watershed!^.^