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Because it is steep, and the higher you are the colder it gets

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Q: Why is Mount Everest cold?
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Why the Mount Everest is cold?

Mount Everest is cold because of the altitude it stands at. The higher you go upwards the colder it gets.

Do stawberrys grow on Mount Everest?

No, Strawberrys do not grow on Mount Everest, it would be too cold for them.

What is the average rainfall on Mount Everest?

It is impossible for it to rain on Mount Everest, it is too cold.

What bird migrates over Mount Everest?

Yes lots of differant birds live on Mount Everest.

Which Is colder Mount Everest or the himilayas?

Mount Everest is a mountain that is in the Himalayas, so both would be just as cold.

What is the most common weather on mount Everest?

The most common weather on Mount Everest is cold with snow showers.

How cold does it get on the summit of Mount Everest?

2 degrees

What climatic zone is mount Everest in?

really cold

How cold does it get at camp five on Mount Everest?

Not quite as cold as camp 6

What kind of food is there on Mount Everest?

There is no food.It is way to cold

How is the weather in Mount Everest?

very very cold and snowy

What are 6 biotic factors of mount Everest?

Tall, cold, steep, snowy, windy, Everest-y.