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no becuo the god made the earth with water and thing it comes the world like America and Africa ha ha.

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Q: Why is Africa and America older than the seafloor of the Atlantic ocean?
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What ocean lies between South America and Africa and Ocean.?

The South Atlantic Ocean is between West Africa and South America.

Is the Atlantic ocean closer to South America or Africa?

They are both on the Atlantic Ocean. South America's East Coast and Africa's West Coast are on the Atlantic.

What ocean is between South America and Africa?

the southern ocean it is the Atlantic ocean

What ocean divides America from Africa?

The Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean touches what five contients?

Actually it touches four continents Europe touches the North Atlantic Ocean North America touches the North Atlantic Ocean South America touches the South Atlantic Ocean Africa touches both the North Atlantic Ocean and the South Atlantic Ocean HAVE A GOOD DAY

Which two continents does the south Atlantic ocean separate?

South America and Africa are separated by the South Atlantic Ocean.

Atlantic ocean touches what five continent?

The Atlantic Ocean only touches four continents: North America, South America, Europe, and Africa.

What ocean is in between Africa and South America?

The Atlantic Ocean.

What is the ocean in between Africa and south America?

Atlantic Ocean

What is the ocean between south America and Africa?

Atlantic Ocean

Which ocean does lie between africa and america?

The Atlantic Ocean.

What ocean touches north America and Africa?

The Atlantic Ocean touches both North America and Africa (as well as Europe and South America). It runs from the top of the globe to the bottom, second only to the Pacific ocean in size.