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Q: Why ia it warmer around the river Yangtze than at dongbel plain?
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Where is the Yangtze Plain?


What plain is located between the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers?

The Central Plain is located between the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers in China.

What major rivers flow through the North China Plain?

The Yellow River and Yangtze River. -Abir

What are the names of china's three major plains and where are they situated?

The Northeast China Plain, The North China Plain, and The Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain.

Is ice water with salt warmer or colder than plain ice water?

it is warmer

What are china three major plains?

The major plains in China are the Northeast China Plain, the North China Plain, the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain, the Pearl River Delta Plain and the Hetao Plain. For more information, visit the Related Link.

How does the Huang river make the north china plain a fertile region?

The Yangtze River makes the North China Plain a fertile region through massive flooding at certain times of the year.

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They rise in the western mountains and flow east across the North China plain to the Pacific Ocean.

What happens due to reef damage by El Nino?

Plain and simple it gets warmer^^^^ INCORRECT ^^^^* FISH THAT DEPEND ON THE REEF DIE *

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Gobi Desert, Himalayas, The Great Wall, Takla Makan Desert, Huang River, Yangtze River and the Pacific Ocean.

Where can plain be found?

a plain can be found anywhere on land.

How many are in the growing season of the Atlantic coastal plain of north America?

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