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One of the most important aspects is it separates two cultures that are so different (Morocco and Spain). It is literally a dividing line for Islam and Christianity. It is also a strategic military function. It is one of the only ways for goods to be shipped from Italy, Turkey, and Greece to the UK and France and the United States by water.

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13y ago

There are 2 ways to force all shipping to go around Africa to the south. Close the Suez Canal, or close the Straits of Gibraltar. If you do either one then no ship can go from the Indian ocean to the Atlantic Ocean without going around Africa.

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11y ago

the rock of giraltar is important because it has helped us make so many valuable finds.

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12y ago

The Strait of Gibraltar it is still very important to the ocean-going aquatic mammals that migrate through it twice each year.

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8y ago

Because all shipping from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean has to pass through the Straits of Gibraltar.

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7y ago

It strategically guards the western entrance to the Mediterranean Sea.

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strait of Gibraltar

What is a strait in between Spain and morocco?

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The Strait of Gibraltar.The Strait of Gibraltar.The Strait of Gibraltar.The Strait of Gibraltar.The Strait of Gibraltar.The Strait of Gibraltar.

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What Strait of Gibraltar separates what country from Africa?

The Strait of Gibraltar separates Spain from Africa

What strait lies between Spain and Morocco?

The Strait of Gibraltar lie between Spain in Europe and Morocco in Africa.Strait of Gibraliar That would be the Strait of Gibraltar.

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