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because the cold water sinks below because the water has more density and the warm water rises because it is lighter weight and the colder water is pushing the warmer water up towards the surface!

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The amount of solar energy received by any region varies with time of day, with seasons, and with latitude. These differences in solar energy create temperature variations. Temperatures also vary with differences in topographical surface and with altitude. These temperature variations create forces that drive the atmosphere in its endless motions.

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As water warms, it expands. Having expanded, it is lighter, and floats at the surface- where it may be warmed more by the sunlight.

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it's molecules are moving faster than cold water's molecules

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Q: Why does warm water move faster in the ocean?
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this happens because the heat of the human blood temperature will be attracted easier in warm water. But if they smell blood faster won't they swin faster in warmer water? No because cold water is much more of an ocean temperature water so sharks swim faster in cold water.

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Ocean currents move warm water from the equator to the poles and cold water from the poles back to the equator. The heat carried north helps warm the northern countries in the winter time.

Why does warm water take longer to get the color of the gumball then it does to hot water?

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How do maelstrom's form?

They form when warm water circulates below the ocean surface. then rises this causes a wirlpool of water. faster the current the larger the wirlpool.

What way does the ocean water move globally?

Along warm water currents from the equator to the poles.