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Q: Why does the water in the gulf of Mexico turn green?
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Can the ocean turn hair green?

Ocean water may interact with a chemical in your hair to turn it green. However, ocean water alone will not turn your hair green.

On which river can you travel from minnesota to the gulf of Mexico?

unless you want to go some really roundabout way, you should go south down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. the roundabout way would be to go sailing down through the Great Lakes, down the St. Lawrence River, into the Atlantic Ocean, then south along the eastern coast of Canada and the USA and make a western turn between Florida and Cuba into the Gulf of Mexico

What is the location of the mouth of the Mississippi river?

For the last 1,200 years, sediment deposition has occurred primarily at the mouth of the Mississippi River's Plaquemines-Balize delta, in the area defined as the Mississippi River Delta Basin. This delta is located on the edge of the continental shelf of the Gulf of Mexico. Its bird's foot configuration is characteristic of alluvial deposition in deep water. In this configuration large volumes of sediment are required to create land area; consequently, land is being lost in this delta more rapidly than it is being created.

Why does water turn an apple green?

it doesn't!

Do water dragons turn dark green when stressed?

If you are talking about runescape then no, water dragons don't turn green ever. :) :P yours sincerely Winner1

Does spring water turn hair green?

No spring water does not turn hair green. Cholorine will turn blond or light hair slightly green if not washed out with shampoo. If you hair is turning green after showering or bathing try buying a better water filter for the house or attach a water filter to the nozzle of the shower. Hope i could help;)

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Does Spring Water turn your hair green?


What color does a strip of litmus paper turn when it is dipped into water?

It would turn Green

What colour will litums paper turn in pure water?


Is tropical storm alex heading to the gulf of Mexico in the next 2 or 3 days 2010?

It's already hit the gulf but it may turn into a hurricane while heading torward flodia ,scattering the oil even more.

Does the ocean turn green when theres lots of pollution?

I think that the ocean water turns green is by pollution