The Gulf Stream passes to the west of the Bermuda Islands moving in a northward direction. As it passes between Bermuda and the East coast of the US, the winds blow the warm air easterly. As a result, Bermuda experiences warm weather all year round. Bermuda is not tropical. It actually lies within the temperate zone but it's actual climate is oceanic or warm temperate.
The Bermuda Ttriangle covers a region which experiences a number of tropical storms every year - including hurricanes. However, there is no supernatural danger in the triangle.
tropical zone
Bermuda just celebrated its 400th year anniversary.
Temperatures stay mostly constant year-round in tropical climate zones, where the average temperature remains high and relatively stable throughout the year. These regions are typically found near the equator and experience little seasonal variation in temperature.
Tropical areas are warm year long, and have heavy rainfall during the rainy seasons.
About 10 year with lights and plenty of food
the climate is very hot all year long
Tropical Rain Forest
1609, is the year that the first settlers arrived in Bermuda.
if he likes it there he will stay a year or more but if he don't like it there he won't stay for long!!
About a year