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Tourism is a large part of any state's budget. You need to keep your tourist attractions looking nice in order to bring in the money.

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Q: Why do you need tourism planning and development?
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Related questions

What is the relation of tourism planning to tourism development?

Development produces the facilities the tourists will use. Planning tells you where these will be best located and how big they need to be.

What is the relation between tourism planning and tourism development?

Tourism planning is the planning how to implement it. After implementation development is done.

What is tourism planning and development?

Check on the internet.

Relation between tourism planning and tourism development?

ourism Planning is planning to attract Tourist somewhere. evelopment is making more for Tourist and making more attractions.

What are the importance of tourism planning and development?

Many towns rely on tourism as a driving force for their local economy. Â However, without proper planning a rapidly expanding tourism industry can create unexpected problems for the area. In order to manage the growth in a direction that will benefit the area tourism planning and development is vital.

Why is there a need a tourism planning?

economic reasons

Who is the key players of tourism planning and development?

I believe it would be the tourism public agency, the private sector and organizations that will help promote the tourism of the country.

What are the five levels of tourism planning?

The five levels of tourism planning are:InternationalNationalRegionalSub-regionalFacility or site

Why there is a need for a tourism planning?

economic reasons

Definition of tourism planning?

planning the tourism

What is tourism planning and what is it for?

kinds of tourism planning

What are the types of planning in tourism?

what are the types of tourism planning