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To clean the water and keep it fresh.

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Q: Why do you add limestone to lakes?
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What happens if you add limestone to acidic lakes?

it stays

Processwhen powered limestone reacts with acid in lakes?

exothermic process takes place when powdered limestone reacts with acid in lakes.

Cutting back on pollutants that cause acid rain is one solution to the problem of acidified lakes can you suggest another?

Add a neutralizing substance such as limestone

Why are lakes treated with limestone powder?

To reduce their acidity.

What happens to a lakes PH when there is limestone rock in the lake?

The pH level will go up because of the acid in the limestone bedrock.

What chemical can be added to lakes to make them less acidic?

Limestone chips

How can acidity be treated?

You can treat answer rain in lakes by adding limestone into the lake

What kind of lakes are protected against the negative effects of acid rain?

lakes that have a floor consisting of basic minerals, such as limestone are more resistant to acid rain because the chemicals of the limestone neutralize any incoming acid.

What is the terrain of?

Flat. Lots of limestone. No rivers or lakes, but some very handsome beaches.

Why lakes with limestone beds experience less adverse affects from acid rain than lakes with granite beds?

Limestone is a basic rock that can neutralize acid rain, whereas granite is an acidic rock that can make bodies of water more susceptible to acidification. When acid rain reacts with limestone, it forms less harmful compounds than when it reacts with granite. This difference in buffering capacity helps lakes with limestone beds to experience less adverse effects from acid rain.

Why is powdered limestone sometimes deliberately added to lakes in countries like Norway and Sweden?

Powdered limestone is added to lakes in Norway and Sweden as a restoration technique to combat acidification caused by acid rain. Limestone acts as a buffer, neutralizing the acidity in the water and improving the pH levels to support aquatic life. This helps to restore the ecological balance of the lake and promote biodiversity.

What is a five letter word ending in A meaning freshwater limestone algae?

The word you are looking for is chara.It's five letters, ending in A.Chara is an algae which forms in freshwater lakes in limestone-heavy environments.