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Tsunamis mostly occur in the Pacific Ocean because they are made because of Earthquakes and lots of earthquakes happen in the ring of fire.

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Pamela McGlynn

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8y ago

Tsunamis mostly occur in the Pacific Ocean because they are made because of Earthquakes and lots of earthquakes happen in the ring of fire.

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Q: Why do the majority of tsunamis occur in the pacific ocean?
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Where do Tsunamis happen around the world?

Tsunamis can happen in the Pacific Ocean along the Ring of Fire, which is a horseshoe-shaped zone of earthquake-prone areas. They can also occur in the Indian Ocean, particularly near the Indonesian archipelago. Additionally, tsunamis have been known to occur in the Mediterranean Sea and the Caribbean Sea.

What do more tsunamis occur in the pacific ocean or in the Atlantic ocean?

in the pacific ocean because of the ring of fire (where a lot of active volcanoes are)

What is the percent of tsunamis in the world?

Approximately 81% of tsunamis occur within the Pacific Ocean's "Ring of Fire," which is a horseshoe-shaped area with intense seismic activity. The remaining 19% can occur in other ocean basins due to underwater earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, or meteorite impacts.

Where tsunamis mostly occur?

mainly in the Pacific Ocean , close to the ring of fire

Where do tsunamis occur along coastal areas?

Tsunamis can occur along coastal areas where there is a subduction zone, where one tectonic plate is being forced beneath another. This movement can displace a large volume of water, creating a tsunami wave that travels towards the coast. Tsunamis are most common in the Pacific Ocean's "Ring of Fire," which includes coastal regions bordering the Pacific Plate.

Has a tsunami ever hit the Pacific Ocean?

Yes, tsunamis have hit the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific Ocean is known for being part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is an area prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity. These events can trigger tsunamis that can affect countries bordering the Pacific Ocean.

Where do you find tsunamis the most?

Tsunamis are most commonly found in the Pacific Ocean's Ring of Fire, which is an area known for its tectonic activity. This region includes the coasts of countries such as Japan, Indonesia, Chile, and the west coast of the United States. Areas near subduction zones, where tectonic plates collide, are particularly prone to generating tsunamis.

Where do tidal wave occur?

mostly in the Pacific Ocean

Why is the Pacific Ocean ideal for Tsunamis?

Because it does.

Why do tusnamis ocur in the pacific ocean and not the Atlantic ocean?

Tsunamis can occur in any large body of water. The main reason they are more common in the Pacific is because of the large amount of tectonic activity. Tsunamis are usually caused by either an underwater earthquake, or a near water volcanic eruption. Due to the amount of volcanos in the Pacific Ocean region and the tectonic activity (which causes earthquakes) there are many more tsunamis in the Pacific than in the Atlantic.

Where do tsunamis mostly occur in the world?

Tsunamis mostly occur in the Pacific Ocean's "Ring of Fire," where tectonic plate movements are frequent. Countries such as Japan, Indonesia, and Chile are particularly prone to tsunamis due to their proximity to tectonic plate boundaries and underwater earthquakes.

Which countries tsunami are occur?

Tsunamis can occur in any coastal country around the world that is adjacent to an ocean or sea. Some of the countries that have experienced significant tsunamis in the past include Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Chile. Tsunamis are typically triggered by undersea earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides.