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because to some people it interest es them but other people might find it boring its based on your personality if your into art then u might like to look at other art it all depends on who u r

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Q: Why do people look at art?
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When was art made?

Art began with earliest man. On cave walls early man drew what he saw in his world. To us this doesn't look like much, but it is art. Art is art only in the eye of the viewer and it is a perception of the world that people live in thousands of years ago or today.

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Art doesn't do people.

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Pop Art began after World War II. It showed people how to look at things in a more bright, colourful and better way and this was the main influence.

Where can one find more information about city art?

The best place to find more information about city art is to go to your local art museum and there should be people who are willing to talk to you about the subject. Another way to find more information on city art can look through an art magazine such as Apollo.

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I would look at: Quilting and Abstract art African Art and Cubism (picasso) Patterning and Feminist Art

When writing about art composition what are you?

People who write about art composition are often art historians, critics, or students. Students write abotu art composition to learn what choices other artists have made and get ideas about compositions they can use. Art historians often look for patterns and popular compositions. Art critics are judging the aesthetic nature of a painting.

Sites similar to deviantart? is a broad collection of different types of art, many of which are masterful, and full of people who can help you. also has instructional videos from gesture drawing to photorealism.

How is the art from an art historian used?

you look at a historians art or personality and en corporate it into your art work, but with a twist of your style in it as well.

what is a centerpiece for a babyshower?

It is in the center of the table for demonstrational purposes.The centerpiece is a decorative piece of art used to look at and touch. Many people like to use them because they look nice.

How come artist are important to your society?

Art consistantly reflect society. To look to art is to look in the mirror. This is the only answer I have ever gotten but im pretty sure that art is superflous.