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Mostley because you are a colosal bellend

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Q: Why do different groups disagree about the use of the rainforest?
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What preposition can you use with disagree?

You can use the preposition "with" with the verb "disagree." For example, "I disagree with your opinion."

What different groups use the Great Barrier Reef?

many different groups use the great barrier reef including tourist's and shop oners and peace keepers :)

Who would be the stakeholders for the rainforest?

There are many different stakeholders for the Amazon Rainforest, and they are the people who use it for business. There are the loggers, who use the wood, the farmers, who use the land, the native tribes, who live in the forest, the miners, who dig for rare minerals inside the forest, and there are developers, who destroy the forest to make space for roads and buildings.

Can you use disagree a sentence?

I would disagree with that last statement.

What sort of farming do the amerindians do in the rainforest?

they farm by hand and use a different space every 4-5 years

How do people use the rainforests?

One way that people use the rainforest is by making medicines from the exotic plants that grow wild there. They also use the rainforest to cut down the trees and build homes there.

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shakira sorted shapes into two different groups. Use geometric terms to describe how she sorted the shapes.

Why is the rainforest useful to use?

with out the rainforest's lots of animals would have no where to live

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They used different materials to build there homes because ceartan groups lacked resources to build there homes

How do you use tropical rainforest in a sentence?

Let's visit a tropical rainforest this year.

Biome of collecting plants to test medical use?

tropical rainforest

Why are tropical rainforest trees different heights?

Tropical rainforest trees have different heights due to competition for light. Taller trees have an advantage in accessing sunlight in the upper canopy, while shorter trees thrive in the understory where light is limited. This vertical stratification of tree heights allows for efficient use of available light resources in the rainforest ecosystem.