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They live! (Swim, eat, breath, Hunt and breed)

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Q: Why do crocodiles live in the amazon river?
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Related questions

What types of animals live in the amazon river?

Crocodiles, Snakes, Fish.

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What eats an Amazon river dolphin?

crocodiles and sometimes people.

What cinda of crocodiles live in the Zambezi river?

Nile crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus)

Do hippos live in or near the river Nile?

Yes, there are crocodiles in the Amazon River. These animals are, however, a smaller type of reptile than what many might be used to. It is the caiman that inhabits the Amazon Basin. These creatures are a subspecies of the alligators, which are members of the family of crocodiles. Use the link below to learn more about this crocodilian.

Where does the Amazon River dolphin live at?

in the amazon river

Do pirahnas live in the Amazon River?

Yes. piranhas do live in the Amazon River.

Animals that live on the river?

Crocodiles, fish, kangeroos

Does Amazon river dolphin live in Amazon river?

yes they do live in the amazon other dolphins do to like the pink dolphin

Does the discus fish live in the Amazon River?

Lives in the Amazon River.

What animals live in the Orinoco river?

Alligators and other things like The Anaconda SnakeThe TapirThe PiranhaThe Manateeand many others

Do Giant otter live in the rainforest?

they live in south America Amazon river