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They wanted to go to America in general. The Titanic was an ocean liner that many rich and famous people in that time were traveling on and it was said to be the largest ocean liner-and it was-and so people wanted to have said that they traveled on the grandest ship that sailed the ocean.

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cause it was big

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Q: Why did people on the tianic want to go to New York on the titanic?
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Where did titanic want to go?

New York City

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Rose and Jack (Titanic couple) are pure fiction and have no resemblance to real people.

What things do people want to discover about the titanic?

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What was the Titanic's travel plan?

The Titanic's plan was simple. Make it's maiden voyage from Southhampthn, England to New York, New York and do it safely and in the quickest time possible. As with almost everything in the world people want to hold the record for something, anything. To hold the speed record for trans Atlantic travel would be a major plus for the shipping company.

Is the Titanic lost forever or has it been found Titanic?

it had been found, but they wanted to live in peace because of the many people that has been past away of it like the last answer yes it has been found but people want to keep it a secret because then a hole bunch of tourist will want to take pictures and yes we all want the titanic to R.I.P.

What has been recovered since the titanic sunk?

Because they want people to know the truth!

A night to remember Walter lord why did the titanic sink?

many people die in the Titanic so people can't forgot it (p.s What do you want to know? if you want to know the things that happen that night then it will be so long) any question about Titanic please E-mail me:

Why didn't the people in the lifeboats want to help the swimmers on the Titanic?

They feared that the lifeboats could overcrowd and capsize.

Why didn't the life boats want to turn back and get survivors from the titanic?

They did not want to scare the people by seeing the people in the ocean die! Plus there was not enough room on the life boats they were to full!

Is Atlantic Ocean a river?

no because you already know it it is an ocean take a trip there but be careful remember what ever happen to the Titanic many people died because it was so cold like your in the place of snow for 10000 year's want to watch it buy it now Titanic 1 and Titanic 2. this is true answers because the Titanic was real on year 1912.I hope you will be live in my answers.So if you want to learn more go to Titanic facts.So follow what i say.

Why did they want to build a ship could a titanic?

because they wanted to builed the biggest ship for people to remember belfast bye