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One of the most obvious resons was that he needed to show that he was King, that he had power and also that he was rich. Also it was mainly for protection, to store weapons and jewels and gold were kept in castles. But the bigger the castle the tougher it was to invade and it also protected the people.

William needed to get a place to protect the soldiers that he used to control the country. They could shoot the invaders, but were hard to shoot at because of the high walls and were hard to get at.

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to show people that he was not to be messed with and he was in charge and also for defence and you can be able to see if someone is attacking

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Q: Why did William build castles after 1066?
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Who brought castles to Britain?

King William I (William the conqueror) first introduced castles into Britain in the form of Motte and Bailey castles after he first took over the Country in 1066. King William I needed some castles that could be built quickly and cheaply after in the war in order to stop rebellions. Motte and Bailey castles were ideal as they were made out of wood which were both cheap and quick to build.

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At the time of William. He was king of the English from 1066-1069 so around then.

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The first castle was constructed in 1066 on the orders of William the Conqueror. William built the castles in order to firmly establish his grip on England, which he had conquered in 1066.

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William The Conqueror. Aka William of Normandy.

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he built woodern castles He built these castles in England for better defence.