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The higher the salt content of seawater, the more buoyant the water is. And the Dead Sea has the highest salt content of any body of water in the world.

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Q: Why can we float in Dead Sea even if we can't swim?
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Why cant you swim on red dead redemtion?

You can not swim in Red Dead Redemption because the game designers did not want you to be able to swim to Mexico before you reached the appropriate mission.

How is it possible for fish to swim without sinking?

The fish that live at the bottom of the sea are equiped with a swim bladder and by adjusting the pressure in this organ they can go up or down easily as they swim.

Is it normal for a Pearl Scaler fish to float upside down but is not dead?

No. Your fish has damaged its swim bladder.

Would you float better in salt or fresh water?

You float better in saltwater. For instance, the Dead Sea is so salty that you cannot sink or even swim in it. You can only float on top. It does not feel wet, but more like warm, runny honey. It is extremely bitter if you are unlucky enough to taste the Potassium-heavy water. Strangely, Dead Sea does not have a salty taste.

A man can't swim in the sea but can float?

Yes, of course! There is A LOT of salt in the ocean, and that salt keeps u afloat. The dead sea is the saltiest sea, and the easiest one to float in.

What would happen if a person would swim in the dead sea?

nothing much it would just float more than normal

What seas are easiest to swim in?

The higher the salinity of the water the easier it is to float - the Dead Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Great Salt Lake.

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No, but they can float...

Does fish swim with bladder helps it sink or float?


Is it easier to float in salt water than chlorinated water?

Yes, it's generally easier to float in salt water than in chlorinated water because salt water is denser than fresh water. The higher density of salt water provides more buoyancy, making it easier for objects (including people) to float.

What is the swim bladder in a fish?

to help the fish swim and float

Can flys swim?

im not sure... but they can float on water im not sure... but htey csn float on water.