She died on February 11, 2012 and is buried in the same New Jersey cemetery (Fairview Cemetery, Westfield NJ) as her late father.
As of Dec. 10, 2011, she is alive & well and still living in Woodside, CA.
Jonathan Frid is still living at the age of 84.
Charles "Freddie" Ingalls was buried on the farm of Peter Ingalls (Pa's brother), where the family was living at the time. The farm no longer exists and his exact grave location is unknown today.
Ralph Waite, died on the 13th February 2014. He was buried at White Plains Rural Cemetery, White Plains, New York.
Absolutely no ill effects are found from living near a cemetery. It's actually, usually, more peaceful near a cemetery.
Ted's first wife, Joan, delivered a stillborn son in 1964. The baby is buried in the Kennedy Family plot in Holyhood Cemetery in the Boston area.
James Monroe was buried at the Gouverneur family's vault in the New York City Marble Center. (He was living with his daugthter, Maria Governeur, in New York when he died. About 20 years later, his body was later moved to the Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia. )
Jim Morrison was with Pamela Courson at the time in Paris. Why he was buried there, I don't know. But I amd guessing it was 1, b/c he died there. 2, b/c he loved Paris, or 3. B/c of the cemetery he was buried in, held many of his inspirations.
No, he can not be buried because he is still living.
No, in the interview Living With Michael Jackson, Michael was shopping and came across a golden casket and Martin Bashir asked him if he wanted to be buried and Michael said that he wouldn't want to be buried and he'd like to live forever.
Living Dangerously - 2003 Buried Alive was released on: USA: 2003