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they are there because of safety. if you are smaller then you could slide out easily. if you are bigger then you couldn't fit the harnesses or the straps around you.

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Q: Why are there height restrictions on roller coasters?
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Related questions

Do you have to be over 18 to ride a roller coaster?

Not necessarily. There is usually a height limit for roller coasters.

Can fat people ride roller coasters?

its depend on the saftey bars and the restrictions on certain rollercoasters

How do you have to be to ride roller coasters in Six Flags?

Im confused, age or height?

What is the collective noun for roller coasters?

The noun 'roller coaster' has no standard collective noun since most roller coasters are not in a group. However, a collective noun is an informal part of language. Any noun the fits the situation can function as a collective noun; for example, a scream of roller coasters, a maze of roller coasters, a park of roller coasters, a tour of roller coasters, etc.

Why cant you breath on roller coasters?

Actually, you can breath on roller coasters.

Do wooden roller coasters break a lot?

Depends on the manufacturer, speed, height and the actual ride.

What is the height of a roller coster?

A roller coaster? I think you need to be a little more specific. Roller Coasters can range from a few feet off the ground to almost 500

What powers roller coasters?

Roller Coasters are generally moved up the initial hill by electric motors, then dropped, when they are powered completely by gravity. Others use electromagnets to accelerate without gaining initial height.

Are there roller coasters at Wisconsin Dells?

Yes, there are roller coasters at Wisconsin Dells.

How many roller coasters are in Silverwood Theme park?

There is 4 roller coasters. Aftershock, Timber Terror, Tremors and the Corkscrew. Which all of the roller coasters are awesome!!!!!!!

What is a website for roller coasters?

A website I always go to for my info on roller coasters is

What state are the most roller coasters located in?

California has the most roller coasters with 78.