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the yellow river is important because it provides china's local population with drinking supply and without the yellow river grasslands will shrink so farmers will have to graze their animals somewhere else.The water also works mills blah blah blah blah blah....

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10y ago
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10y ago

Around 4000 B.C the Yellow (Hueng He) River valley Civilization began in China. Which was the start of the many Chinese Empires. Many of the ethnic groups and cultures began in this era in China. This history, in which a vast area populated by diverse ethnic groups became, over time, a more or less single culture, began in the Yellow River Valley.

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13y ago

The Yellow Sea was very important for China because of its rich oil. With the rich oil farmers could grow larger amounts of food on very small farms.

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15y ago

Rivers are important everywhere, because fresh water is scarce in China and is very important to all civilization.

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13y ago

Because it is the second largest river of china.

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