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For detailed information on the subject of coral reefs and their endangerment, please visit

This was a website I created for a school assignment, and you may find it very useful.

Some attribute it to global warming, stating that the water is normally warmer.

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14y ago
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13y ago

The coral Reef is in danger because of fish and people are always trying to eat them and catch them. The Coral Reef is good for us because it helps little fish blend in with the color and it can help them hide from their predators.

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Hope I can help you any other time! Also boats can destroy them with anchors and fishing nets.

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10y ago

Nearly one-quarter of the coral reefs in the world are already considered damaged beyond repair, the other two-thirds are in danger. Major threats to coral reefs and their habitats include: destructive fishing practices, overfishing, careless tourism, pollution, sedimentation, coral mining, and climate change.

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8y ago

There are several primary reasons as to why coral reefs are in danger:

  • Rising acidity in the ocean -
    • Carbon dioxide in the air dissolves into the ocean, forming carbonic acid. This hinders coral organisms from marking their calcium carbonate shells, which form coral reefs. When the shells are stopped from being formed, the reef quickly decays. Due to increased carbon dioxide in the air from the burning of fossil fuels, coral reefs are increasingly in danger.
  • Bleaching -
    • High heat and sunshine in the ocean cause the coral to expel the symbiotic alge that live inside them. Extreme bleaching leads to coral death. Coral reefs are at greater danger currently because of increased global temperatures.
  • Direct damage -
    • Humans frequently damage coral reefs while harvesting fish. Such harmful methods include trawling for fish and shellfish, and by using dynamite or cyanide to stun fish. All of these methods end up severely damaging or killing the coral reefs.
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14y ago

If you mean why is coral endangered, well it is because of the pollution us humans are releasing into the ocean. And because of snorkelers who are purposely reaching down and touching it which will create it to die because of our skin and some the toxic stuff in it.

Hope this answer will give you a good clearing of why.

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14y ago

We use their organisms that live there to make drugs we use to cure diseases. Also, they protect shorelines from damage by storms and ocean currents.

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13y ago




dynamite and cyanide fishing


bleaching caused by rising ocean tenperature

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10y ago

fishing boating and tourism. We are destroying them.

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8y ago

They are in danger from several things, including climate change and overfishing.

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