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They can get very icy and cause you to swivel off the bridge

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Q: Why are bridges dangerous in the winter?
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Related questions

What is the causes of frosty windows and icy bridges in winter?

The cold air is what causes frosty windows and ice bridges in winter

Why is winter a dangerous season?

Winter is the most dangerous season.

Why are wooden bridges dangerous when wet?

the boards can break

What do bridges do?

crosing over water or diffrent dangerous things x

What does brooks their own bridges stop mean?

Brooks are little streams. And in the winter they freeze. so they make bridges so people can cross when the water freezes.

What things are dangerous to people in the winter?


Is Durham the most dangerous place on earth?

Durham is not considered to be the most dangerous place on earth. There are recent news stories that state that some of the bridges in Durham are very dangerous.

Is it dangerous for dogs to walk on suspension bridges?

Somthing about the pendulum effect. Remember physics class???

How do you use winter storm in a sentence?

The approaching winter storm is expected to be the season's most dangerous.

The road surface of a bridge maybe dangerous in winter because it may remain icy after the rest of the roadway is clear?

Yes, bridges can freeze more quickly and stay icy longer than regular roadways because they are exposed to cold air on all sides. This causes the bridge surface to lose heat more rapidly, making it prone to ice formation. Drivers should use caution when crossing bridges in winter conditions to prevent accidents.

What actors and actresses appeared in Bridges - 2013?

The cast of Bridges - 2013 includes: Oliver Becker as David Christine Horne as Linda Seana McKenna as Ericka Abigail Winter as Lucy

What type of designs are used to build bridges?

The designs that are used to build bridges are designs that can keep them stable , working and that won't be dangerous also designs that amaze people.