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Q: Why Pacific Ocean water warmer than the air?
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Why is pacific ocean colder than Atlantic ocean?

The Atlantic Ocean is warmer than the Pacific Ocean. The reason for this is because there is a warm water ocean current that goes through the Gulf of Mexico. It is called the Gulf Stream. Later, as it goes up north towards Europe and Ireland, it turns into the Mid-Atlantic Drift. There is nothing to do with anything about it being in tropical waters. All in all, the Atlantic Ocean is warmer than the Pacific Ocean because of a warm water ocean current called the Gulf Stream that later turns into the Mid-Atlantic Drift.

Is the pacific ocean warmer than other oceans?

Yes. It is the warmest of the oceans.

Temperature of ocean currents off Canadas west coast?

Along Canada's west coast, the surface temperatures of the Pacific Ocean rarely get warmer than 15ΒΊC. The ocean temperatures in the North Pacific tend to be warmer than those in the South Pacific. This seems strange because the surface waters in the South Pacific are definitely warmer.

Why are hurricanes more likely to strike NJ than OR?

Hurricanes gain their energy from warm ocean water. The water off the U.S. Atlantic coast is warmer than the water off the Pacific coast

Which ocean is warmer the Atlantic or the pacific?

This question depends on exactly where you are looking. If you are discussing the difference between the coastal waters of the united states. According to the government websites including the NOAA website the coastal waters off of the East coast are warmed due to the the water being brought up from the equator compaired to the pacific ocean which brings water down from Artic. Leaving the East coast Atlantic waters with a warmer average temperature.

Why does the Pacific smell more salty than the Atlantic?

It gets stays warmer than the east coast so evaporation takes the water out of the ocean but leaves behind the salt

Which ocean has more ships on its water than any other?

Pacific Ocean

Why is the Indian ocean warmer than the Atlantic ocean?

Because it lies near the tropical waters in all the oceans. Making it the warmest ocean, I think the pacific is the second warmest, Atlantic is the third southern ocean is the fourth and the arctic ocean is the coldest. It is small, and does not have a flow from the north.

What is the pattern of warmer-than-normal pacific ocean surface temperatures?

its warm sometimes but sometimes it could really get cold because of the water being so close by

Why is the air from the gulf of Mexico so much more humid than air from the pacific ocean at the same latitude?

Over the water, at both locations, the air is nearly saturated with water vapor. This means that the dew-point temperature of the air over the cooler Pacific Ocean is much lower than the the dew-point temperature over the warmer Gulf. Consequently, the air from the Gulf of Mexico contians a great deal more water vapor than the Pacific air.

What is the pattern of warmer than normal pacific ocean surface temperatures in Georgia?

Georgia is on the east coast of the USA. The Pacific is on the west coast. There is no answer for this question. There would be no affect.

Why is ocean water near the equator warmer than ocean water at the poles?

The ocean receives most of its heat along the equator, where incoming solar radiation is about double that received at the poles. Hence, sea surfaces are much warmer along the equator than at the poles.