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Dr. Walter Reed and Carlos Findlay.

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Q: Who were the two American army doctors who worked to eliminate yellow fever?
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Who were the American army doctors who worked to eliminate yellow fever?

Dr. Walter Reed and Carlos Findlay.

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you have to eliminate the golden monkey on yellow ostrich island then you should have it

What was the original color of American Cheese?

The original color of American cheese is yellow. However, there are different types of American cheese. There is American Cheddar cheese which is also yellow.

What gives American Style mustard it's bright yellow color?

American yellow mustard is colored yellow first by its mustard seed which is a very light yellow, or the color of a typical french fry.However, American yellow mustard producers also add the herb powder of the rhizome turmeric to give it the bright yellow color it is known for.

What does a yellow star on the American flag mean?

what does the yellow star on the flag mean

What were the humors and why were they important according to medieval doctors?

phelegm , yellow bile , black bile , and blood

What might happen if they eliminate yellow fever?

As with the eradication of any disease, those susceptible to it will have an average increase in life expectancy.

Did Carlos J Finlay discover the cure to yellow fever?

There is no cure for yellow fever once the disease is contracted. Carlos J. Finlay discovered the vaccination to prevent yellow fever.

What diseases killed most of the men who worked on the Panama Canal?

Malaria and Yellow fever

Who fought yellow fever in Panama?

Research on how to cure yellow fever was conducted by many independent doctors including my ancestor Dr. Samuel A. Mudd. Though one of the most famous doctors known for researching Yellow Fever was a Cuban doctor named Carlos Finlay. Now for your question, William Gorgas, a physician was most well known for helping fight yellow fever in Panama.

What is a yellow warbler?

A yellow warbler is a yellow songbird found on the American continent, wtih the Latin name Dendroica petechia.

Are the stars on the American flag yellow?

No. They are white.