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This geography was well known to the indigenous peoples -- the Native American Minnetaree tribe -- who lived in the area, and who named it for the yellow rocks and soil in the canyon where the Yellowstone river flows. Their initial explorations are not well documented and may be lost to history.

The first records of Caucasian exploration begin with Lewis and Clark, specifically "... one, John Colter of the Lewis and Clark expedition, had walked alone through here in search of furs as early as 1807."

Read more about Yellowstone's history, below.

Grand Teton's geography was also well known to indigenous peoples, it being "...home to such Indian tribes as the Shoshones, the Blackfeet, and the Gros Ventres."

Again, John Colter's name appears as the first Caucasian to have documented his treks through the geography. "Colter left the expedition to join two fur trappers bound for the unexplored upper reaches of the Yellowstone River. Subsequent wanderings apparently led him to Jackson Hole [Wyoming] in 1807, where he no doubt gazed up in awe at these stupendous mountains, as impressed by their beauty as any visitor ever since."

Read more about Grand Teton's history, below.

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Chester A. Arthur was the first president to visit Yellowstone National Park in 1883.

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Yellowstone, which was established by Teddy Roosevelt.

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On March 1, 1872, President Ulysses S. Grant signed into federal law the Yellowstone National Park Act (17 Stat. 32). This law established Yellowstone as the first National Park in the world.

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President Ulysses S. Grant signed the law to establish Yellowstone National Park as the world's first national park on March 1, 1872.

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President Ulysses S. Grant signed into law Yellowstone National Park as the world's first national park on March 1, 1872.

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Yellowstone National Park, established by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1872,is a national park located primarily in the U.S. state of Wyoming, though it also extends into Montana and Idaho. Yellowstone's name is historically credited to the Native Americans who lived in and around the park area. The name is basically derived from the Yellowstone River. The Yellowstone River has high yellow rock cliffs along its banks in the northern area of the present day park. The Native American Minnetaree tribe called the river "Mi tsi a da zi," which means "Rock Yellow River." French fur trappers translated this to "Yellow Rock" or "Yellow Stone." Hence Yellowstone was named. In 1872 Yellowstone National Park was established making it the world's first national park.

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Yellowstone National Park was signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant.

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Yellowstone was the first national park. If you were wondering, it was founded in 1872 and was signed into law by president Ulysses S. Grant.

What president declared Yellowstone park a national park?

Ulysses S. Grant (US President from Mar 4, 1869 - Mar 4, 1877) established Yellowstone as the world's first national park on March 1, 1872. The area of Yellowstone is located mostly in the state of Wyoming, but also stretches into parts Montana and Idaho.

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Established in 1872, Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming is the world's first National Park.

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When Yellowstone became a national park who was president?

US Grant