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Q: Who was the US Doctor in Panama Canal?
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Why did the US return the canal to Panama?

Because it was called the Panama Canal

What is the canal that connects the atlantic and pacific oceans in central america?

Panama. The canal is the Panama Canal, built by the US between 1904 and 1914.

What was the name of the waterway constructed by people in Panama?

It is the Panama Canal. It was originally built by the US. However Panama just completed a major improvement of the canal.

Who did the US purchase the Panama Canal from?

The US purchased the Panama Canal from France in 1903 for $40 million.

Who bought the Panama Canal from the US?


Which state in the US is closest to the Panama Canal?

The state in the US closest to the Panama Canal is Florida. The southern tip of Florida is about 880 miles from the Panama Canal.

Did Cuba sale the rights of the Panama Canal to the US?

No, France sold the rights to the Panama Canal to the US.

Where is Panama's capital?

The capital city of Panama is Panama City, which straddles the Panama Canal (originally the US-occupied Canal Zone).

The US gave control of the Panama Canal to Panama in?

in 1999

Did the us help Panama build the Panama Canal?


What happened on the Panama Canal?

The US turned it over to Panama.

Does the US own the Panama Canal?

No, the Panama Canal is currently owned by Panama.