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The Western Wall or 'Kotel' is the remaining wall of the second temple, which the Romans destroyed in AD 70. Today it is a holy site for Jews; we pray there and there is also a custom whereby we can insert a prayer note into the cracks between the stones. Anyone can do this, no matter what their faith. Bar and Bat mitzvahs also take place sometimes at the Kotel. It is a unique and wonderful place and the atmosphere is amazing.


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13y ago

Jewish people go there to pray. The wall, which is a remnant of the holy temple which once stood on the mount before it was destroyed is now a synagogue where Jews come from all over the world to pray. Because of archaeological importance and impressive structure, many tourists also visit the wall as well.

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There is no specific time for a pilgrimage to the Western Wall (also known as the Wailing Wall) in Jerusalem. In biblical times, when the Temple in Jerusalem was still standing, Jews were commanded to appear at the Temple 3 times per year, at Passover, Shavuot (Pentecost or the Feast of Weeks) and Succot (the Feast of Booths). These remain popular times to try to make it to Jerusalem, but lots of Jews make the trip over winter break simply because they can get free from work then.

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Which religion uses the western wall?

Judaism. The Western Wall is a Jewish Holy Site.

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The Western wall is located on the western side of the temple mount (called the Western Wall Plaza), in the heart of old Jerusalem.

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Most people pray at the western wall.

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The Western Wall is a Jewish Holy Site.

What is the coordinates of western wall?

The Western Wall is located in Jerusalem, Israel. Latitude/Longitude 31.777231,35.234581

What are any deities or representations at the western wall?

The western wall has no visible deities or representations of deities; it just looks like a wall, built out of rather large blocks. The significance of the western wall is purely symbolic.

What is another name for the western wall?

The Wailing Wall

Who made the Western Wall?

The Western Wall, formerly called the Wailing Wall, was made by the ancient Israelites. It is an outer wall (and the last remnant) of the ancient Temple in Jerusalem.

Why did the western wall get blown up?

The Western Wall still exists; it has never been blown up.

How did the Romans destroy the western wall?

The Romans did not destroy the Western Wall. It is the only part of the Temple that they did not destroy.