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Q: Who took the Indian Ocean from the Portuguese?
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WhoThe first Portuguese explorer name to reach the Indian Ocean was?

The first European to reach the Indian ocean was Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama

Who lost control of the Indian Ocean in the 1600s?

the portuguese

How did the Portuguese displace in Arabs as the predominant maritime power in Indian Ocean?

The Portuguese developed a strong naval force which they sent into the area of the Indian Ocean, and, after defeats at the Battle of Cochin in 1503, and the Battle of Diu in 1509, the Arabs had lost most of their control over the Indian Ocean, allowing the Portuguese to become the predominant power in the region.

Who changed the Indian Ocean to the portuguese lake?

alfonso de albuquerque

To which country in the 1600s did the portuguese lose control of trade in the Indian ocean?


Who was the famous Portuguese explorer that has been given credit with turning the Indian Ocean in the Portuguese Lake?

Alfonso de Albuquerque!

Who was the Portuguese explorer who sailed around the tip of Africa and across the Indian Ocean to Indian?

Vasco da Gama

Where do Portuguese man of wars live?

They can live in Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Indian Ocean. They are mainly found in warm water areas.

If you were a european mariner sailing the indian ocean during the sixteenth century chances are you were?

If you were a European mariner sailing the Indian ocean during the sixteenth century chances are you were Portuguese sailor

Who was a Portuguese navigator who set out to reach the Philippine islands and the Indian ocean?

He was a Portuguese navigator called Ferdinand Magellan. = Portuguese navigator =

Which of the following benefited Portugal in its pursuit to gain authority over the Indian Ocean basin?

The Portuguese developed a strong naval force which they sent into the area of the Indian Ocean, and, after defeats at the Battle of Cochin in 1503, and the Battle of Diu in 1509, the Arabs had lost most of their control over the Indian Ocean, allowing the Portuguese to become the predominant power in the region.