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It can't be Amelia Earhart, wrong ocean! You'll have to be more specific.

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Q: Who is the woman who brought her plane and got lost in the Bermuda triangle?
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Why is there no evedenice of the Bermuda triangle?

Because no man or woman has made it out of the Bermuda triangle alive

Why is Amelia flying through the Bermuda triangle?

Because she was trying to be the first woman to fly the Atlantic Ocean but sadly here plane did crash in the Bermuda Triangle and No One want to go looking for it just in-case they get killed or are lost

What are the release dates for Wonder Woman - 1975 The Bermuda Triangle Crisis 2-4?

Wonder Woman - 1975 The Bermuda Triangle Crisis 2-4 was released on: USA: 7 October 1977 UK: 9 July 1978 Japan: 26 October 1980

Why did Amelia Earhart dissaper?

well i dont think she dissapered, i thnk she was killed. dude, she flew over the bermuda triangle. and, she was a woman. you know what they say about woman drivers... never mind pilots

Did Amelia Earhart's plane crash in the Bermuda triangle?

It is believed so: when Earhart's plane disappeared, she had last been heard about 100 miles off Howland Island in the Pacific, on 2 July 1937. As to her fate: Speculation has been rife over the years regarding what happened to Amelia Earhart. The usual conspiracy theories and alien abduction theories have abounded. Some have claimed Earhart was captured in the South Pacific Mandate area by the Japanese and interned for a number of years before either perishing or being executed. This originated when a man, then 15, claimed he had been toying with his radio and a woman came upon the speaker, claiming to be Amelia Earhart. There was then a scream and the woman said Japanese soldiers had entered the plane, she begging them not to hurt her. Then the transmission went dead. Regardless of the rumours, no evidence has ever been found to substantiate them, and the circumstances surrounding Earhart's disappearance remain a mystery.

Did Amelia Earhart know she was going over the Bermuda Triangle?

Amelia Earhart has NO connection- dead, alive, missing, whatever- with the Bermuda Triangle. It is true some Aviatrix ( woman pilot) did do some mapping survey of the area in 1935- so says a book put out by the Edgar Cayce organization but it does not state Amelia by name. There were many Aviatrixes out in l935. Amelia has NOTHING TO DO with the Bermuda Triangle. Caroline CASCIO, a modern aviatrix- did go missing in the triangle while operating a Cessna l72 in l969, on or around June 6 ( D-Day) this is a good Thirty- something years AFTER the Electra project.

How can I prove that Amelia Earhart crashed on mili atoll near the marshall islands and find out she disappeared on dragons triangle when the pacific Bermuda triangle has nothing to do with this?

there is absolutely no connection whatsoever between Amelia Earhart and the Bermuda Triangle. Earhart went missing in or over the Pacific Ocean, nowheres near the Bermuda triangle. the only possible cross-feed might be the fact mentioned in one of the books put out by the ARE ( Edgar Cayce associates) in a rather slipshod fashion they admitted ( (One of the first female pilots) did a Survey of the Bimini Area in l935. By l935 there were hundreds of Aviatrixes in circulation- the article did not specifically mention Earhart- who flew from California to Hawaii in that year by the way- without problems. ( do not confuse with Electra-I Hawaii crash-landing in fact and film). This brought out Electra II. Amelia, like racing drivers had a spare plane if the main one was put out of action by an accident, which it was.. ( Electra I was later repaired). Other than that, there is no tie-in between Amelia Earhart and the Bermuda Triangle.The Cayce book merely stated a Woman pilot surveyed ( and obviously survived the expedition) the area in l935, it did not mention Earhart.

What accomplishments did Amelia Earhart make?

She was the first woman pilot to ever try and travel around the world. Earhart went down somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean. Probably in the Bermuda Triangle.

What are the release dates for The Many Strange Stories of Triangle Woman - 2008?

The Many Strange Stories of Triangle Woman - 2008 was released on: USA: 2008

Was the woman on in plane sight on CSI?

yes she was.

How do you get Ghana woman to the US?

By ship or plane.

Who was the first woman to drive the red Arrows?

Mate You cannot DRIVE a plane You fly a plane To answer your question Kirsty Moore was the first Woman to fly with the Red Arrows.