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== == Simon Bolivar

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Q: Who is one famous person from La Paz Bolivia?
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What is the nickname for La Paz Bolivia?

La Paz is one of the capitals of Bolivia. It is nicknamed "the city that touches the clouds" because it is one of the world's highest cities.

What is the capitlle city of Bolivia?

There are actually two capitals. one is La Paz and the other is Sucre

Is Bolivia the only one with 2 capitals in the world?

It has only one capital: Sucre. La Paz is just the political capital.

Where are the beaches in la paz Bolivia?

Bolivia is a land locked country. If you are looking for beaches you will have to go to one of the neighbor countries, but if you want to enjoy the beautiful Andes it is the right place to be. :)

Which country has two capitals and what are the capitals?

Bolivia, a country in South America located next to Chile, is a country that has not one but two capitals. Those two capitals are La Paz and Sucre. La Paz is the administrative capital, while Sucre is the judicial capital.

Which Latin American country has the highest capital in the world?

The highest capital in Latin America is La Paz, Bolivia. It is also one of the highest capitals in the world, located at an elevation of about 11,975 feet (3,650 meters) above sea level.

Where is Bolivia's capital?

Per the Bolivian Constitution, Bolivia's one and only capital city is Sucre, in the department of Chuquisaca. La Paz is the seat of two government branches, the legislative and the executive; therefore, sometimes people call it Bolivia's defactocapital.

Bolivia has two capitals what are they?

The capital at La Paz was made the administrative capital in 1898, while the historical capital at Sucre remained the constitutional and judicial capital. La Paz is the third largest city in Bolivia and a center of commerce and industry. Sucre was and still is the original capital of Bolivia. It is about 4-5 hours by road from the silver mines of Potosi, which were the primary source of economic power early in the history of independent Bolivia. In 1898 the silver mines were largely exhausted and the weight of the Bolivian economy was shifting toward the tin mines near Oruro. As a result the economic and political power also moved. The executive and legislative branches of government were moved that year to La Paz. The judicial branch remained in Sucre. Sucre is the constitutional capital of Bolivia, and La Paz is sometimes called the administrative capital. La Paz is not actually a capital city. La Paz is actually just the "seat of government" (better said, the seat of two of Bolivia's three branches of government). The Bolivian Constitution, voted upon and passed in 2009, ratifies Sucre and only Sucre as the capital of Bolivia.

Is La Paz Brazil's capital city?

No, La Paz isn't Brazil's capital city. Instead, it's the administrative capital that serves as the seat of government for Bolivia. It's one of two national capital cities in Bolivia. The other capital is the constitutional capital city of Sucre.Brasilia is Brazil's capital city.

Which country has more than one capitals?

Bolivia is a country with two capitals: La Paz (administrative) and Sucre (constitutional).

Which Latin american country has a capital at a height of 11910 feet?

La Paz, one of two capital cities in Bolivia, is about 3760 meters above sea level.

How do you say The country of Bolivia has two capital cities in Spanish?

That's not a correct statement. Bolivia has one capital, namely, Sucre. La Paz is sometimes cited as "capital", but officially it is the "sede de gobierno" - the seat of government. Anyway, the translation is: "El país de Bolivia tiene dos capitales."